
Partnerships“A nod, you know, is as good as a wink to a blind horse.” — Joseph Ritson, 1793

Syzent partners with companies and universities to advance life science technologies towards commercialization.  Peer-reviewed research and powerful demonstration of proof-of-concept make commercial partnerships possible.  Partners must see your technology reducing unmet medical needs.  Strong patent protection in relevant markets is required.

The wrong partner may destroy your technology, or license/acquire it to put in the deep freeze.  The right partner will use their best commercially reasonable efforts to meet their commitments to you, and develop new products incorporating your technology.  Companies need a powerful profit motive to partner with third parties.

Early stage partnering may not be ideal if the trend with your technology space is for innovators to develop and sell proprietary products, and then to be acquired at the commercial stage.  In this case and for disruptive technologies, talk to potential investors prior to partners.

Based on my licensing plus M&A experience, I’ve compiled a light-hearted but serious “Top 10 Licensing Do’s and Don’ts List”.  Click here to access.